Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How does Shakespeare present Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 1 Scene 7? Essay

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies and was first performed in 1611, however it was written in 1603. This was in the Elizabethan period, which despite the country being ruled by a woman; women had to be obedient towards their masters. Women of the time had to be the housewives who did the cooking and looked after the children, and the men were the breadwinners. From the aspect of theatre, all women roles were played by young boys, this proved difficult especially in Macbeth, where a woman is acting as though she is a man. This is both ironic and complex as she is subject to a hyper masculine world. Lady Macbeth is a very intricate character in that she has both masculine and feminine qualities that intertwine throughout the play. While being very authoritative when talking to Macbeth in the early scenes of the play, she is also quite easily distressed. This is apparent when she faints at the sight of the dead bodies of the guards and exclaims ‘help me hence, ho!’ Fainting in Shakespearean times was seen to be a very womanly attribute. Shakespeare has used Lady Macbeth to show what it is like for a woman as she was frustrated with the restrictions put upon her gender. She is somewhat unconventional in her mannerisms as she is portrayed as a very commanding character and is seen to not be very maternal. In fact she declares ‘come you spirits†¦unsex me here.’ This reiterates the unconventional side of her persona, giving us an insight into her thoughts and feelings at the time. We see Lady Macbeth first in Act 1 Scene 5 where, in the stage directions, she is described as; ‘alone, reading a letter.’ This immediately shows that she is well educated. In addition the letter she is reading is Macbeth’s letter, so Lady Macbeth’s first words in the play were Macbeth’s originally, this demonstrates male dominance from the beginning. The reading of the letter, in terms of the theatrical view is read as a soliloquy, moreover this letter is used as a dramatic device, it informs the audience of what has happened and gives background information, and also it brings the audience up to the present time in the play. The fact that the letter is read as a soliloquy has significance in that it reveals the loneliness of Lady Macbeth. We can sympathise with her because it is understandable to think that it would be tough to live in these times as a women, with great restriction and certain guidelines to follow. Witchcraft is also a major element in this play; this is because the play is set in the time of James I, who had a certain fascination with anything remotely witch-like. In fact James I wrote a book called Demonology which was solely based on witchcraft. Being a witch had terrible consequences; death by hanging of being burned at the stake, this cruel persecution amplified the superstition and misogyny of the time. Act one Scene five is littered with references to witchcraft and spirits. When talking about Macbeth’s new position in the society she uses the word ‘metaphysical’ which means super-natural much like a witch. Something which is super-natural is not natural and possesses witch like traits. Shakespeare also uses ‘the raven’ which symbolises disaster and death and is regarded as an evil omen. Later on in the scene it Shakespeare has made it seem like Lady Macbeth is talking to someone or something, this can be interpreted as Lady Macbeth talking to the spirits, while doing this she says ‘come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts.’ She is inviting the spirits to have fatal and murderous thoughts, so that her husband Macbeth can be king. This is a principle of witchcraft and all its myths that is considered to be the most recognised. Yet another convention of witchcraft is intelligence, and Lady Macbeth uses manipulation and deception to get her way with Macbeth. She refers to Macbeth as ‘living like a coward.’ This simile is both emotive and manipulative, in that it will provoke a sense of masculinity in Macbeth. This means that Lady Macbeth can get him to do anything for her, because Macbeth has a point to prove. Intelligence was seen as a masculine trait o any woman who was intelligent was deemed to be a witch. Lady Macbeth makes plans for treason by wanting to kill Duncan which is a very unconventional thought. Moreover how she controls Macbeth in the use of language ‘art thou afeard’ shows that Lady Macbeth is questioning Macbeth’s masculinity. Additionally she is extremely unmaternal and quite independent especially towards the end of the play. Lady Macbeth is an exceptionally complex character possessing both feminine and masculine traits, this is echoed by her willingness to be a devoted wife but also a controlling one too which is irregular for the time. She shows her devotedness when she is waiting for him to come home and give her the good news about his new position in the hierarchy she says ‘thou would have great glamis’ This shows that she would love him to be the thane of Cawdor. However she then goes on to say that he will need some help along the way, she wishes she was not a woman and instead in Macbeth’s position. From the beginning she explains how Macbeth would be ‘too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness,’ in this extended metaphor it illustrates Lady Macbeth’s thinking of Macbeth, she believes that he is too kind and that he is too womanly to undertake a role such as a king. Milk is representative of females as it refers to the breast milk that a mother would lovingly provide for her child. It implies that she needs to help him to succeed as he is too gentle, a very unconventional thought. This is very eccentric and to a certain extent not very maternal. This is the first major antithesis of the play as there is a major contradiction between what her first thoughts are and her final thoughts are. At first she is a loving wife with great envy for her husband and then later on this envy turns into jealousy and bitterness. The other chief paradox in the play is the theme of being maternal, Lady Macbeth expresses her feelings about the sweetness of babies, explaining that she knows ‘how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me’ This shows Lady Macbeth’s conventional side, showing that she can be loving and caring, it also tells the audience and readers that Lady Macbeth have some kind of a child and that she has lost that child because there is no mention of it thereafter this section. The contrast to the conventional side is that she would ‘dash the brains out’ of the baby. This is very shocking and unconventional language that stirs up mixed emotions inside the readers and listeners of the play. Shakespeare has complicated the role of Lady Macbeth by making her seem more masculine in both her language and her actions. Lady Macbeth rejects femininity yet again when saying ‘make thick my blood’. This shows her need for strength, it could also be interpreted as her saying that she wants menstruation to stop, as it is a reminder of being a female. Another metaphor for the menstruation is ‘that no compunctions visitings of nature’. This also shows that she is rejecting femininity and wanting menstruation to stop. Also the extended metaphor of milk is used again in this section when she begs ‘take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers.’ Alliteration is used to make the sentence flow, in addition ‘gall’ was thought to promote rage or malice, not a conventional desire from a woman, this adds to the complexity of the character. Moreover this segment relates back to the invocation of the spirits, Lady Macbeth gives the impression of talking to spirits or in this case the ministers, refusing traits of womanliness in favour of masculinity. Linking with the spirits, Lady Macbeth says she will ‘chastise with the valour of my tongue’. This is quite a complex phrase out of context, however it refers to Lady Macbeth stopping herself saying anything to Macbeth about the circumstance he is in. This adds to the dramatic effect of this piece because as the audience later finds out, she could not be controlled, this is dramatic irony. Using the word chastise indicates that she should be punished if she says anything out of turn. However it is with the valour or bravery, which is a masculine trait, and her tongue or speech, a feminine trait. Adding to Lady Macbeth’s unconventional nature, she is very controlling over Macbeth, something that in the time of the play was punishable. In the later stages of Act One Scene Five she is explaining that both her and Macbeth should look welcoming to Duncan when he arrives, however there is a certain essence of deception when she deviously proclaims to Macbeth that he should ‘look like the innocent flower, / but be the serpent under’t’ This reveals her devious nature and manipulation and cleverness of speech as this is a well coordinated metaphor. The serpent is regarded as a symbol of evil adding to the deviousness of the quotation. As Macbeth tries to speak about the situation he has been put in he utters ‘we will speak further-‘ Shakespeare has used the hyphen to suggest that Lady Macbeth has interrupted him, now controlling how long he has to talk. Lady Macbeth has the last word by saying ‘Leave all the rest o me’ which emphasi ses her controlling nature as she is in command of the occasion. Throughout the play Lady Macbeth is extremely clever with her tongue, in that she provokes Macbeth to feel uneasy and this spurs him on to become king later on. Her cleverness of speech in magnified in Act one Scene seven when she is trying to persuade Macbeth to take the opportune moment. Using clever language hinting at bad judgement and using the colours ‘green and pale’ when referring to the way he is approaching becoming the king, as she describes the crown as the ‘ornament of life’ another metaphor indicating that the throne is all there is to live for. Lady Macbeth also relates to a bible passage wherein she talks about the ‘cat i’ th’ adage’ This proverb is about a cat that does not want to get its feet wet when searching for a fish, this shows both her education and ingenuity when it comes to her manipulation of words. Lady Macbeth then ignores Macbeth’s attempt to calm her down with ‘prithee peace’ and carries on in the same manner she started. The alliteration was meant to calm Lady Macbeth however it did no such thing. Towards the latter phase of the scene she uses words such as ‘we, you, our’ and ‘I’ this gives the impression of togetherness of the couple as she is trying to avoid separation. Macbeth then uses a pun when saying to Lady Macbeth that she should ‘bring forth men children only, for thy undaunted mettle should compose/nothing but males’. The play on words is with the word mettle, it means both courage and strength as in armour, and this shows that he thinks she is a vey strong woman with a strong personality, which should not be played with. Lady Macbeth shows a certain amount of deterioration when it comes to controlling what Macbeth decides, she is reserved to her bed where she is constantly trying to wash the blood of her hands. However the blood is not physically there and she is just imagining it a problem that increases until she chooses to commit suicide, just as Macbeth reaches the height of his power. I believe Shakespeare shows this decline as an act of misogyny, because it shows that a woman cannot cope with the pressures of a man. The other women in the play such as Lady Macduff are more conventional, as she is the house wife, who looks after the children and cooks the meals, unlike Lady Macbeth as she is very independent and has no children. This paradox shows the key differences between them and highlights the effect on the husband in the situation. At the end Macduff wins the fight against a possessed Macbeth, possibly possessed by the death of Duncan which resulted in the suicide of his wife, a chronological downfall constructed by his wife. An audience of the modern day would respond to Lady Macbeth in a different way to a Shakespearean audience. This is due to women having a higher role in society, in that they are no longer looked down upon. Therefore a woman partaking in manly activities is not frowned upon, many women nowadays are choosing occupations instead of settling down with a family, and they are certainly allowed to have a say in any relationship they are in. Consequently an audience of today would see Lady Macbeth as a normal woman in that she is intelligent and independent in her own right, however they would be disapproving of her plotting murder against the monarchy but the reaction would not necessarily be so intense. Shakespeare has presented Lady Macbeth as a clever and controlling woman that is confused by the hyper masculine world she is subject to. However from the audience’s point of view it could be seen as misogynistic, as it is showing a woman to be like a man, it shows that it does not work, as Lady Macbeth eventually breaks down. Therefore it could reveal what Shakespeare thinks would happen if a female acted like a male. Throughout this tragedy Shakespeare builds up the character of Lady Macbeth from the first word she says to the last few words before her suicide. Shakespeare has created a domineering and intellectual character which is ready to face the prejudices of the Elizabethan era. To a tee she overcomes these chauvinisms and cleverly reverses the convention that a woman should do as a man says the basis for the entire play.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Outline and Evaluate the Psychological Research Into the Link Between Stress and the Immune System Essay

The main function of the immune system is to protect the body from infectious agents such as viruses and other toxins. The immune system can fail us in two ways-either by, letting infections enter the body, or being over-active, so that it is the immune system itself, rather than an infectious agent that causes illness. Most studies of the relationship between stress and the immune system have focussed on acute stressors and have found a decrease in immune cell function. One study which relates to stress and the immune system was Cohan (1993). Cohen investigated the role of general life stress on vulnerability to the common cold virus. Three hundred and ninety-four participants completed questionnaires on the number of stressful life events they had experienced in the previous year. They also rated their degree of stress and their level of negative emotions such as depression. See more: argument essay format The three scores were combined into what Cohen called a stress index. The participants were then exposed to the common cold virus, leading to 82% becoming infected with the virus. . The findings were that the chance of developing a cold was significantly linked with stress index scores. A strength of this study was that it did measure health outcomes, showing a relationship between life stress and illness. This can be compared with studies that use measures of immune function rather than illness outcomes. Also, this was an indirect study in the sense that there were no direct measures of immune function. However it is supported by Evans and Edgington (1991) who found that the probability of developing a cold was significantly correlated with negative events in the preceding days. However there are many limitations. During the study participants should be constantly monitored to check for any reactions to the viral challenge which had affected their health and the scientific value of the study should be balanced against any psychological or physical distress to participants. Another study which looks at the link between stress and the immune system was a study carried out by Brady in 1958. He linked high levels of stress to increased hormone production and the development of ulcers. In an early study he placed monkeys in â€Å"restraining chairs† and conditioned them to press a lever. They were given shocks every 20 seconds unless the lever was pressed in the same time period. This investigation came to an abrupt halt when many of the monkeys suddenly died. After 23 days of 6 hours on, 6 hours off schedule the executive monkey died due to a perforated ulcer. He tried various routines, such as 18 hours on and 6 hours off, or 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off. However, no monkeys died from ulcers. He then tested the stomachs of executive monkeys on a 6 hour on, 6 hour off schedule, and found that stomach acidity was greatest during the rest period. Brady concluded that it was clearly stress, not the shocks that created the ulcers. One criticism made of Brady’s study in general was that the monkeys were not randomly selected, the â€Å"executive† was chosen because it was faster at learning an avoidance response. This may of course have parallels with the human world. Also, the fact that the study was carried out on monkeys means that the results cannot be generalised for humans. Also another limitation was that a more serious problem was raised in the research by Marshall et al (1985). They found strong evidence of another cause of stomach ulcers, a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori not stress related.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Good Grocers, Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Good Grocers, Inc - Research Paper Example The settlement may provide a cheaper alternative than court proceedings. August, Mayer & Bixby (2013) are of the assumption that court proceedings may dent the publicity of an organization if the plaintiff presents a believable argument. The organization should seek for an outside court settlement as a public relation strategy (August, Mayer & Bixby, 2013). In this case, Ms. Greene requires to be provided with benefits that are offered to employees who work on a part-time basis. The new demand would require more than the $15 per hour wage. In addition, she will be provided with additional incentives that are not provided with contractors. However, before she can be granted the request, the terms and conditions of her contract should be reviewed. If Ms. Greene knew what her contract entailed, she cannot alter the terms of the product. Emerson (2009) asserts that an employee contract binds their relationship with their employer. They further point out that the terms on a contract can only be changed when it is necessary (Emerson, 2009). In this instance, it is not necessary. The store has enough employees, and Ms. Greene supplements the three days her services are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Reaction to Hitler's Table Talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Reaction to Hitler's Table Talk - Essay Example It had a very casual atmosphere, conducive to the Fuhrer’s relaxed sharing of his inner thoughts and feelings. The Table Talks therefore reflect Hitler’s most intimate self, not known directly from his public functions and formal addresses. From 1941 to 1942, two notebooks of talks were compiled, published only after World War II. In this short paper, a few lines are taken for comment. This may be an inadequate way to react to these informal talks, but it is still a good start to inspire interest for this important account of his informal monologues. I don’t dream of imposing my philosophy on a village girl Dreams are most intimate to persons, but somehow they can reveal the inner psyche of people. â€Å"Dreams,† in this instance refer not directly to the trancelike state during sleep, but to Hitler’s intention to respect the mind of a village girl, symbolic of the peasants among Germany’s people. Hitler knew he had a philosophy of life to im part to others, but he says he has no intention of coercing anyone to his point of view. If they will believe him, it must be through the rational process of persuasion and re-education. In life, Hitler would show that he had the gift of persuasion, making coercion actually needless insofar as convincing people to his point of view. ... In time, Hitler rose to the pedestal as Germany’s political leader. A biographer of Hitler wrote that at the height of his career, â€Å"for hundreds of thousands, soon for millions, Hitler became an idol whose rise they applauded with convulsive emotion. . . he strides down streets lined with shouting, sobbing people’ (Fest 66). Given the wide popularity and adulation of the people, Hitler in his Table Talks would have thought that imposing ideas on people especially so on a peasant girl would be a needless exercise. Of course, there is another side to Table Talks, and this relates to actual developments brought about by Hitler’s Third Reich. Soon after he gained Chancellorship, concentration camps were set up in order to imprison and later to execute those who opposed the state, including journalists, clergymen, artists, soldiers, etc. Table Talks are therefore one way of saying one thing and doing something different from what are said. I don’t want to force National Socialism on anybody Hitler’s incarceration as a political agitator gave him time to read, reflect and write down his thoughts into a book, the Mein Kampf. While he would admit his book was a confused piece of writing, it would reflect his ideas about National Socialism and its pan-Germanic utopian dream. For Hitler, National Socialism was a grandiose vision, not a simple political movement. Beyond nationalism and socialism, Hitler thought of world change along Darwin’s natural struggle of the fittest, the genetic breeding of a superior German race, and world domination that equals the Bolshevik dream of a communist globe. Hitler thought that the radical ideals of his mind will require subtle mass re-education.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

African American Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

African American Studies - Assignment Example As Ogbar points out, it is now the case that in the past decade, hip-hop has often "deviated from conventional notions of race," even though race and ethnicity still play a big role (Ogbar, 38). The first section of the chapter deals with the way that definitions of the "real" from the 60s, 70s, and through the 90s. Ogbar argues that hip-hops appeal during its formative years stemmed from the way it pulled from what he labels "black oppositional culture," which opposed "the dominant [white] culture and ideologies" (Ogbar, 39). Because of this, what makes things real in hip-hop is at some level "an intimate familiarity with the urban, working-class landscapes" of the 1970s, as well as basic knowledge of criminal activity in most cases (Ogbar, 39). It is worth noting, however, that hip-hop from the late 90s on has been increasingly political as well, including from commercial rappers who address the problems their ethnic culture faces in "sophisticated and highly racialized discources" (Ogbar, 40). Interestingly, Ogbar also points out that a lot of the essential elements of hip-hop culture came from Puerto Ricans and other non-black ethnicities (Ogbar, 40). This leads into a longer discussion of race, going from what coinstitues a "real nigga" (Ogbar, 44), the rise of gangsta rap (Ogbar, 45), and the effect that a shift from New York City to Los Angeles, with its rampant gangs, heavier chicano presence, had as hip-hop began to feature "raw and bold depiction[s] of ghetto life in postindustrial Los Angeles" (Ogbar, 45). It is especially interesting to see how the group called Cypress Hill, which was made up of Latino artists, used black slang that should have been very offensive, but which ended up making them "the first Latino group to go platinum" (Ogbar, 46). And the way in which Asian-American hip-hop singers do the opposite, by not using black slang at all but still talking out about racism

Annotade Bibliography on IQ Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annotade on IQ - Annotated Bibliography Example Catherine Zentile. What IQ Tests Cant Tell You. Science Articles: The Naked Scientists: Science Radio & Science Podcasts. Cambridge University. 2008. Available at The author explains in his article that IQ changes over time. She uses a research that was carried out by Flynn in 1984 in which Flynn found out that IQ changes over generations. She also explains that In order for an I.Q. test to give an accurate score it must be standardized using a representative sample of the age group, giving the median person a score of 100. This article will provide me with information about how IQ has changed over time. The article explains how Psychologists are broadening the concept of intelligence and how to test it using different methods. The author put into context how different psychologists are improving the methods of IQ test and how they are coming up with new methods. The author borrowed information from researchers like Nadeen Kaufman, Jack Naglieri and others in explaining his points. The article will provide me with information from different psychologist on how new methods are developing and how far the broadening has gone. The author explains how the general IQ scores of a population change over time. The author uses the three graphs that was used by Flynn to explain the change in intelligence. It also explains different types of intelligence. The article provides information on IQ gain and possible causes for the Flynn Effect. The author explains different theories of intelligence. The author found out there is no standard definition of intelligence in his research. The author researched the information from different theories by different people. The article will assist me in my literature review by providing information on different theories of intelligence. In this book, the author argues that there are several methods of measuring human IQ and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Journal 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Journal 2 - Essay Example I also created time to work on my project. On the second day of the week 4, I attended a meeting with the infection control manager who offered updates on the upcoming hand hygiene campaign. During the day, I checked on the customer satisfaction rates and later worked on my project. These activities ensured that I achieved the learning objectives DNP Essentials II (Fitzpatrick & Kazer, 2009). During week 5, I spent 10 hours each day handling different tasks related to the hand hygiene initiative. The most significant activity was the installation of hand sanitizer dispensers, water and soap. Moreover, I participated in creating awareness on the importance of hand hygiene in reducing infections. In the week that followed, there was a noticeable positive effect on the hand hygiene initiative according to my assessment. This enabled me to achieve DNP Essential IV as one of the critical learning objectives. On the second day of week 6, I consulted with my preceptor and continued with the hand hygiene campaign. Notably, I also worked on my assignments (Zaccagnini & White, 2011). During week 7, I attended the infection control department meeting, which placed emphasis on the hand hygiene campaigns and its goals. In addition, I continued with other tasks of ensuring that staff members and patients adhered to the hand hygiene rules. I finished the first day of week 7 with my project after updating my preceptor concerning the hand hygiene initiative. On the second day, the infection control department partnered with the education department in a bid to increase the awareness of the hand hygiene program (Zaccagnini & White, 2011). Later in the day, I handled different tasks related to my project. Notably, all these activities have helped me to achieve DNP Essentials II and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Stress Level and Academic Performances for Chinese Overseas Research Paper

The Stress Level and Academic Performances for Chinese Overseas Students in Australia - Research Paper Example Using questionnaires and interview as research instruments, the researcher gathered data from Chinese postgraduate students from different kinds of field in University of Western Sydney. Using the questionnaire, the researcher collected data in areas such as the age of participant, gender of participant, the courses studied by participants, extra activities undertaken by participants such as part-time work, how participants spent their leisure among other things. Results obtained from students go a long way to show that most of the students go through stressful activities during the day even aside their studies. Combining studies with such activities therefore worsen their stress level. In the long run, it was revealed students with very high levels of stressful activities performed poorly compared to those who went through normal routines of the day. Introduction Learning is an act that demands so much mental attention and concentration. To this effect, it is almost a requirement th at before learning can take place, the mind (brain) must be in a state of alertness to receive the volumes of new ideas that is being added to it. Sadly though, most students who are the anchor of learning find themselves deprived of the state of alertness that is being discussed here. Such students lose their mental alertness to stress. Quoting Selye (1974 p. 27), Murff (2006) states that stress is a "nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it". This means that stress is a reaction that the body (and more specifically brain) gives towards any act of pressure that is placed on it. Koduah (2008) explains that the pressure that demands the body to respond is often found on the brain. To this effect, stress can be said to be a mental state of tiredness and this tiredness arises because there is so much pressure on the brain. Literally, one would be tempted to think that the only time that the brain is made to work is the time that the brain is being used to think and so it tiredness of the brain results only out of excessive thinking. This assumption is not correct. Rather, the brain is responsible for carrying out 80% of all activities that any part of the body undertakes (Kanner, 1981). This means that apart from activities that demand thinking, in undertaking activities with other parts of our body, it is actually the brain that we are using most. As elucidated by Garret (2001), stress is no respecter of person. Once so much pressure is put on the body, the mind gets tired and stress will sets in. Students have been identified to be one of the worse sufferers of stress (Murff, 2006). This is because apart from the fact that learning itself demands so much mental alertness and puts so much pressure on the brain, students are faced other activities and processes such as adjusting to university life and routines (Ross, Neibling and Heckert, 1999). Some of these activities and processes demand that students make new friends, have regular inter-pe rsonal relationships, work within fixed and at times

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

E Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E Human Resource - Essay Example E Human Resource is referred to the management, regulation and use of electronic processes and information relating to human resource and the employment laws. It is an extremely broad term and has been continuously evolving in its field. With the emerging trends like globalization, customer orientation, and specialization, companies have been especially emphasising on recruitments, evolution and sustainment of qualified employees. Companies have gained extensive awareness about the fact that human resources have been gradually transforming from being a cost factor to a success factor. They have also realized that a shrinking population and a shrinking workforce would be the most crucial crisis in the years to come. Many of the activities of the human resource departments can be delegated to the employees using the modern system f information and technology. Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) is a tool which is web based and which helps in automating and supporting the human resource processes. Implementing e-HRM would provide the opportunity to delegate the process of data entry to employees themselves. Moreover it facilitates the use of human resource marketplaces (e-Recruitment) and allows greater amount of self service to employees (Biesalski, n.d., p.1). It is the outcome of the combination of various technologies. Firstly the growing importance of the knowledge factor in organizations has been the driving force behind the evolution of IT. Information systems like e-HRM that provides information allows companies to gain comprehensive and consistent concept for knowledge management. It is important to explain the concept of knowledge management in this regard. Knowledge management is considered to be a collection of various techniques. Using this large variety of techniques, organizations are able to acquire knowledge, organize the knowledge and finally make the knowledge transparent. Intelligent data analysis and e-HRM combined helps to disburden the employees of the human resource

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case Examines the Issues of Formulating a Set of IT Objectives Aligned Study

Examines the Issues of Formulating a Set of IT Objectives Aligned With Corporate Strategy - Case Study Example MDCM’s marketing and sales department also lacks in contributing to the organizational growth despite fairly good human resource productivity. Further, the supply chain of the organization is not structured and organized in an effective approach which gives rise to perplexity in the workplace. Thus, the key objective of MDCM is to enhance the efficiency of these sectors in order to re-introduce business growth at this point of time (Jeffery, M. & Norton, J. F., â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (A): IT Strategy Synchronization†). It is worth mentioning that in every sector, from finance to marketing and sales along with the supply chain operations, MDCM managers are facing similar problems with the flow of information. It is also intrinsically related to the technological developments of the organization. To be specific, the finance department complains that the data which are received from other departments are behind the times and thus lack in efficiency. This requires to be renovated through appropriate IT planning, as updated data is termed to be quite effective in developing accurate forecasts of the organizational progress which further leads to the management decision-making (Jeffery, M. & Norton, J. F., â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (A): IT Strategy Synchronization†).... Due to this reason, the department requires a self-service technology which will provide customers with the opportunity to help them with the extra services and reduce the burden of sales staffs. This will also ensure enhanced productivity in the department. The supply chain operations were further effected by the unsystematic progression of goods purchased and delivered to the ultimate customers. Therefore, the department requires a systematic resource planning technology which will organize and simplify the entire process including the logistics outsourcing (Jeffery, M. & Norton, J. F., â€Å"MDCM, Inc. (A): IT Strategy Synchronization†). Stating precisely, the prime objective of MDCM is to introduce a highly effective IT system in the organization which will ensure efficient financial planning, better productivity in marketing and sales and an organized framework for the supply chain operations. However, the key objective of the organization at this moment is to ensure its growth and satisfying increment in shareholder value. This certainly requires an effective short-term planning from the IT department. 2.0. Competitive Forces Analysis 2.1. Threat of New Entrants MDCM has a broad network in the international market comprising of various developed and developing economies which reduces its operational cost to a great extent. This certainly provides the organization with the strength to restrict the new entrants. Moreover, the organization deals with medical products which are recognized to be strictly restricted with the legal barriers and also requires a large amount of investment. Technological support is considered to be one of the key requirements of the industry which again limits the threat of new entrants. However, the switching costs of customers

Monday, July 22, 2019

Quality Assurance Essay Example for Free

Quality Assurance Essay It is the policy of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E. T.B.- Mayo Area to develop and implement an effective Quality Assurance system that demonstrates consistent repetition of good performance using a system of documented procedures, which are known, understood and operated by all personnel. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area’s QA system demonstrates our capacity to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of programmes and services to teachers and tutors as well as learners. All Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area providers Quality Assurance systems are approved by FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council). What you need to know On Induction you will be provided with information about your programme and the assessment process from your tutors, However it is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all assessment information and ask for clarification on anything that you feel you do not fully understand. This handbook includes all assessment policies and procedures. All learners must sign for receipt of the handbook. September 2013 Version 3 Quality Assurance Policies Assessment Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners Policies and Guidelines. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Mission Statement In line with its mission statement, it is the policy of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.Mayo Area to provide a supportive and positive mechanism to ensure that all learners are assessed in an equitable manner and that transparent procedures are evident to guarantee satisfactory outcomes for all stakeholders. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area is committed to ensuring that all methods of assessment are effective in measuring learner attainment in line with documented learning outcomes and that assessment policy and practices are effective in monitoring the validity, equity and reliability of assessment consistent with national best practice. The planning and recording of assessments is to be carried out in accordance with the awarding body’s (FETAC) requirements and centre procedure. In order to achieve this Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area has implemented the following documented policies, guidelines and procedures: Admissions Policy Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area VEC Code of Behaviour for Students and Procedures Assessment Deadline Policy Feedback Policy Grievance Regarding A Grade Policy Appeals Policy Exceptional Circumstances Policy Plagiarism Policy and Procedure for corrective action. Assessment Malpractice Policy. Application for Specific provision. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Computer Network and Internet Usage Policy. September 2013 Version 3 Assessment Information Learner Guidance and Information It is the learners’ responsibility to follow all guidelines on assessment. Learners will receive the following information either written or verbally from the teacher delivering each module:The purpose, methods and schedule of FETAC assessment tasks. Relevant module descriptors, assessment criteria and deadlines for submission of evidence. A copy and explanation of section 9 (Assessment Regulations for Candidates) from NCVA/FETAC â€Å"Regulations for Centres and Candidates.† What elements will and will not count towards interim and final assessment and with what weighting. Comprehensive assessment briefs and instructions for all levels. The marking and grading conventions used. The consequences of assessment, such as decisions about progression and rights of appeal, i.e. grievance regarding a grade form. Plagiarism; the definition and the penalties, including examples of acceptable referencing techniques and Procedures for Corrective Action. How and when assessment decisions are made. – Feedback Policy, Appeals Policy. Policy on late submission of work. – Assessment Deadline Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy. Standards expected regarding the hand in of work. Channels of communication i.e. feedback, query regarding a grade etc. – Grievance Regarding a Grade Form. Learner roles and responsibilities Learners are responsible for seeking and ensuring that they are familiar with information on assessment, including deadlines etc. Learners will follow the required procedures for assessment Learners must observe deadlines as notified by the centre for the submission of all assessment work. Candidates must sign a statement on all work to be assessed stating that all projects, assignments, learner records and collections of work/portfolio work presented for assessment are their own original work – See Plagiarism Policy. Where group projects/assignments have been undertaken, all candidates must indicate which part of the work is their own. The portfolio of each group member should record or contain supporting evidence of the individual’s contribution to the group task. September 2013 Version 3 Learners must not interfere with or damage in any way the work of other candidates. Learners must follow the rules and regulations of the VEC and FETAC regarding assessment. Learners should ensure that they keep a copy of their own work. Once handed in assessment work will not be returned to learners, this is for security of assessment purposes. Art and craft work, will be returned to learners, this may be collected at a specified date and time after the appeals deadline has expired – centres will notify learners of these times. If a learner does not collect the work or contact the centre by the specified date, the art and craft work will be destroyed, this is for security of assessment purposes. Admissions Policy This policy is set within the context of The Department of Education and Science, criteria and procedures, The National Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 (NQAI) and The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC), published policies. This admissions policy is issued Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area to facilitate lifelong learning and promote opportunities for: Access Transfer Progression All Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area centres aim to: Provide a fair and transparent system of admissions for all prospective learners. Make reasonable provision and accommodation for learners, including those with a disability in accordance with relevant legislation, with due regard to the efficient use of available resources. See application for specific provision. All centres must inform learners of the knowledge skill and competence required for successful application in every programme offered. Any specific entry requirements for a programme will be stated including appropriate alternative experience or qualifications. These will follow FETAC’s guidelines ‘Information for Learners Guidelines for Providers.’ All applications for programmes received in any of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.Mayo Area Centres for that programme will be examined by centre staff. All September 2013

Texting and driving Essay Example for Free

Texting and driving Essay I think texting and driving is dangerous and whether or not it has affected you as of now, statistics show it could in the future. Did you know that texting while driving is now one of the most common distractions that take a driver’s eyes off the road today? Imagine if someone in your family, your mom, dad, or sibling were killed by a driver who was texting, how would you feel? Would you think, was that text really worth losing a life over? I am going to show you that texting while driving is never a good idea and can have dangerous and deadly consequences’ for that individual. Problem: Texting while driving kill’s people on a daily basis. Recent statistics from 2009 show that 5,474 people in the United States were killed due to texting. This was a significant increase from 2007 when 3,210 people were killed in accidents where drivers were texting.( Teenagers are the most experienced drivers and when they read or write a text it compounds their likely hood of having a fatal accident. Statistics bears this out with this age group when texting and driving 45% of their accidents resulted in death. The Allstate Foundation’s recent survey showed that 82% of teens report texting while driving, while only 23% admit to drinking and driving which shows how common this practice is for this age group. According to data collected by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety on (, more teenagers die on May 20 than any other day of the year. Over the past five years, May 20 claimed 63% more lives than any average day because of prom and other end of the school year celebrations II. Cause: Driving and texting is considered a multi-tasked skill that increases the output of the driver’s brain causing distractions to our cognitive functions, memory, visual fields, and manually. The first way that texting interferes with drivers is through the brain’s cognitive functions that allow for multi-tasking. Driver’s attention span is split between what’s going on in the road and what’s happening on their cell phone, and this lack of focus makes them a liability for other drivers. Most people do not have the cognitive skills to manage two different multi-tasked processes at once.  This causes individuals brains to process too much mentally, making the information that is received unclear and hard for them to react quickly to events happening in their surroundings. Second way that texting interferes with driving is through memory. a. Memory is when the brain engages in a constant process that sends. III. Solution: There are many solutions to this problem and I will list a few: Unless you are on a long road trip, put your phone away until you arrive at your destination, if you have to text just pull over for a few minutes. There are apps for most phones that you can use to prevent if you are tempted to text while you are driving called anti-texting apps that can be utilized. If you are on a trip with more than yourself, designate a person that will be the texter, if you are driving have your passenger text for you so you can concentrate on the road. Silence your phone if you are one who has to look at your phone for every noise it makes. I have just taken you through the problems with texting and driving. Provided you with the statistics and presented you with possible dangers of texting and driving. I have given you alternatives to not only keep you safe but to also keep others safe too. Laws are being enacted due to the public outcry and most states are on board with legislation punishing drivers that text. But that would be a drop in the bucket should you be distracted and injure or kill someone when it could have been avoided. I hope that I have convinced you to join me in educating people to change their driving habits†¦ Silence can saves lives. References: BIBLIOGRAPHY \* MERGEFORMAT Stop the Texys Stop the Wrecks. (2014). From Stoptextsstopwrecks: (2014). From (2014). From Here is the link to my Persuasive speech:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Benefits of an Integrated Curriculum

Benefits of an Integrated Curriculum OVERVIEW Integrated curriculum is about making significant connections between subjects or skills that are usually addressing several different subject areas integrating curriculum can also improve learning experiences. An integrated approach to learning is designed to focus learning within the curriculum, setting perimeters and establishes the continuity of learning across the years and levels. Queensland Studies Authority documents contain the content and achievement standards for teachers to exercise within their classrooms, promoting student learning. The planning matrix lesson series relates to learners between year 1 3 as it is a can be integrated to curriculum. It also addresses the learning essentials, objectives, and values, applying differentiation, modifications, outcomes and scope and sequence. This integrated matrix relates to school because in health and nutrition plays a large role within todays society. The issue of health is recognised as an important concern over the last s everal decades. Nutrition is the focal point of health and well-being. Nutrition is related to human development, production and ultimately to the growth. We will discover how the following scenario relates to integrating matrix of being healthy. Consider the skills and knowledge necessary to understand how to eat nutritiously and become healthy citizens. There are some fundamental things that must be know and be able to do. How do you know the difference between nutritional and junk foods? The ability to decide what nutritional choices are available is crucial to being healthy. To choose the correct amount of food that incorporate the food groups. Therefore, given real-life situations make it relevant for the learner focusing on skills that can be used later on in life. The purpose of integrating curriculums is to build the knowledge, skills, creativity, physical, social and intellectual capabilities, as well as strengthening their emotional well-being. As part of the whole, schools play a role in teaching values of being healthy citizens. The citizen role descriptors are designed to be applied across year levels. These descriptors provide students, teachers and parents with a shared understanding of the roles within and across school contexts. (Education Queensland, 2010) Integrated learning contributes to promoting effective healthy practices. Therefore, this integrated lesson matrix promotes health and nutrition by ensuring that children understand that personal identity and relationships are important elements of a persons growth and development, and can demonstrate appropriate skills and strategies to enhance relationships, participate in groups and maintain a sense of healthy self-esteem. Also understands health of individuals, families and communities, and can take actions to promote the health. Along with understanding that active participation in physical activity contributes to a sense of wellbeing, community and social co nnectedness, and can critically evaluate the social and cultural influences that shape behaviours, routines and perceptions of the body. Department of Education and Training, (2008) .framework document states All state schools will provide a curriculum to maximise the capacity of all students to exit from schooling with the capabilities and values to be active and responsible citizens. (Education Queensland, 2010) Informed citizens can apply their learning skills and knowledge, Curriculum refers to everything a school does to support learners learning, and the knowledge and skills acquired by students. Integrating the curriculum maximises the learning experiences engages all students with diverse learning abilities, and challenging learning experiences. This planning matrix has applied the essential learning which describes what students are expected to know and cover the knowledge, skills and other attributes to learning. All schools will build their curriculum around the essential learnings and help students master them. (Education Queensland, 2010). The essential learning practices around Queenslands eight Key Learning Areas; these are The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Languages other than English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and Environment, and Technology. The integrated curriculum matrix lesson are used identify those aspects of the essential learnings. The learning descriptions provided in Scope and Sequence Years 1-9 unpack or scaffold the Essential Learnings and support teachers to understand the curriculum (Education Queensland, 2010). These objective or outcomes relate cognitive domains of learning how students can perform or achieve in the areas of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis synthesis and evaluation. Outcomes or objectives align with the curriculum focusing on the students learning, by evaluating a learners progress. Theses play a part in the affective domains of receiving, responding, valuing, organisation and classification. This evaluation relates to the framework on student learning. Outcomes promote the development of a deeper knowledge, understanding, which build on skills and values. The focus on expected learning sets the conditions for teachers to exercise their professional expertise and judgment about how best to promote student learning. (Queensland Studies Authority, 2010) The objectives describe what the student does as a result of the learning opportunities and environments that the teacher presents to them. Hence, they describe the result of the learning process. The objective s are what you want to learners to know or learn, what they are able to do, what resources they will have with each lesson, what connections will students make within their community and how will they demonstrate their learning. Both objectives and outcomes comprise the broader overall achievement within scope and sequence of learning. The learning descriptions that make up the sequences are student-centred. This means that they describe what the student should be able to do as a result of the learning opportunities and environments created and presented to them by the teacher. (Education Queensland, 2010). In todays classrooms as teachers we need to know that learners come to the classroom with a variety of experiences and different skills for learning, and that the lesson plans have to ensure that all the needs of learning is meet Hence, the matrix shows an area of diversity, which it may be required to add support of a lesson or to enhance the lesson for gifted learners, Therefore, a lesson can be adapted to suit the needs of some learners. The modifications or extensions of the lesson do not change the learners outcome. The learning of all students is one that recognises and celebrates diversity and engages all students in intellectually challenging learning experiences. (Education Queensland, 2010) The approach of values in education is utilised to enrich students intellectually, physically, socially, morally, spiritually and artistically. Therefore, allowing growth to react constructively and positively to a range of challenges. Any explicit and/or implicit school-based activity which promotes student understanding and knowledge of values, and which develops the skills and dispositions of students so they can enact particular values as individuals and as members of the wider community. (Australian Government Department of Education, 2005) All schools provide values that are designed and organized to the framework policy Teachers educate learners these values by using the following guided principles. Helping students understand and apply values, purpose of schooling, values of the school community, whole school environment safe and supportive learning environment, a curriculum which meets individual needs of students. Each individual school adds other values relating to its own environment or community. The main values learners are Care and Compassion, Doing your best, Fair Go, Freedom, Honesty and Trustworthiness, Integrity Respect Responsibility and Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion. (National Framework of Values Australian Department of Education, 2005) Assessment provides the learners a chance to demonstrate the extent and deepness of their learning. Assessment plays a large role with the curriculum framework; it is an ongoing process in a classroom environment. It gathers evident and information to determine what a learner knows, and understands. Through implementation of the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework, teachers will collect evidence of students achievements. (Education Queensland, 2010) Some lesson plans dont necessarily need an assessment, but it should have some sort of evaluation or reflection of that lesson to ensure that objectives or outcomes were reached. In conclusion an integrated matrix requires several factors for organising the content. As teachers we need to consider outcomes, objectives, diversity within the class environment, assessments, and the lesson content itself, what value should be promoted, and which key learning area is best for the lesson outline.. For teaching requires a variety of methods; such organisation involves integration, sequences and focus. (Brady L : Kenndy, 2007) The advantages of an integrated curriculum, can lead to better opportunity for creative teaching and learning activities, time to provide for individual diversity and more opportunity for teacher planning and supportive evaluation, providing strong value foundations, preparing learners for life success through their learning and education. Topics are selected to develop significant understanding and activities are designed to develop planned understandings the integrated matrix unites with the key learning areas of the curriculum. It involves s tudents learning so that they develop and consolidate the required knowledge and skills to meet the anticipated future demands of work and citizenship. (Education Queensland, 2010) As a result the integration of learning is designed to focus learning within the curriculum, integrated curriculum is usually delivered with strategies such as active learning, experiential earning, problem solving, and real-life contexts. References Australian Government Department of Education. (2005). National Framework For Values in Australian Schools. Retrieved April 24, 2010, from Values Education in Australian Schools: Brady L : Kenndy, K. (2007). Cirriculum Construction (3rd ed.). Pearson Education Australia. Davies, A. Cameron,C. Politano, C.. (n.d). Making themes work. Canada: Peguis Publishers Limited. Department of Education and Training. (2008). Department of Education and Training. Retrieved March 10, 2010, from P-12 Curriculum Framework: Education Queensland. (2010). Education Queensland Teaching and Learning. Retrieved April 24, 2010, from Tommorrow Citizens: Marsh, C. (2001). Key Concepts for understanding cirriculum 2. London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Over the years, much has been written about the two novels, both positive and negative. For example, Ben Clarke of the University of North Carolina has written extensively about Orwell, and asserts that although mainly acclaimed for his non-fiction works, Orwell’s fiction writing had significant value, and was generally under-rated (Clarke). Orwell’s only novel to receive critical acclaim was Nineteen Eighty-four. Even this novel, when studied, is considered for its historical significance rather than its literary contribution (Clarke). Clarke also suggests that Orwell’s female characters reflect Orwell’s views of masculinity and femininity. Though he recognizes the limited choices that women had in society, he shows showed little originality in their portrayal (Clarke). Certainly Julia, in Nineteen Eighty-Four is portrayed as a woman engaging in sexual relationships with Party members more out of boredom than from any real disagreement with the poli tics of the Party. She depicted as being accepting of the status quo, and follows Winston’s lead in his rebellious activities. This is similar to the way that women in Orwell’s time period were viewed, as passive but supportive components in society. The restrictive bounds on society trigger rebellion by the major characters in both novels. By restricting the knowledge and information available, the governments in both novels maintain tight control on their citizens. In Nineteen Eighty-four, the public is manipulated by propaganda to believe what the Party wants it to believe. There are laws against even thinking of anything that creates individuality or harms the Party in any way, labelled by Orwell as â€Å"thoughtcrime†. â€Å"Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concea... ..., Winston’s search for the truth drives him to rebel in small ways initially. Driven to create something that will not be re-written at the whim of the Party, he writes in an illicitly obtained diary to a nameless future reader from â€Å"a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone† (Orwell 28). His next step on the path to rebellion is to begin a forbidden sexual relationship with a woman he works with. He has longed for a relationship where he is free to love without the purpose of procreation. Even more important to him, however, is that his actions undermine the Party. When Julia, his girlfriend, tells him that he has done this "Hundreds of times -well, scores of times†, Winston is not upset; instead, he is thrilled because that means there were many others who are â€Å"corrupt to the bones† and were also rebelling against the Party (Orwell 112). Essay -- Over the years, much has been written about the two novels, both positive and negative. For example, Ben Clarke of the University of North Carolina has written extensively about Orwell, and asserts that although mainly acclaimed for his non-fiction works, Orwell’s fiction writing had significant value, and was generally under-rated (Clarke). Orwell’s only novel to receive critical acclaim was Nineteen Eighty-four. Even this novel, when studied, is considered for its historical significance rather than its literary contribution (Clarke). Clarke also suggests that Orwell’s female characters reflect Orwell’s views of masculinity and femininity. Though he recognizes the limited choices that women had in society, he shows showed little originality in their portrayal (Clarke). Certainly Julia, in Nineteen Eighty-Four is portrayed as a woman engaging in sexual relationships with Party members more out of boredom than from any real disagreement with the poli tics of the Party. She depicted as being accepting of the status quo, and follows Winston’s lead in his rebellious activities. This is similar to the way that women in Orwell’s time period were viewed, as passive but supportive components in society. The restrictive bounds on society trigger rebellion by the major characters in both novels. By restricting the knowledge and information available, the governments in both novels maintain tight control on their citizens. In Nineteen Eighty-four, the public is manipulated by propaganda to believe what the Party wants it to believe. There are laws against even thinking of anything that creates individuality or harms the Party in any way, labelled by Orwell as â€Å"thoughtcrime†. â€Å"Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concea... ..., Winston’s search for the truth drives him to rebel in small ways initially. Driven to create something that will not be re-written at the whim of the Party, he writes in an illicitly obtained diary to a nameless future reader from â€Å"a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone† (Orwell 28). His next step on the path to rebellion is to begin a forbidden sexual relationship with a woman he works with. He has longed for a relationship where he is free to love without the purpose of procreation. Even more important to him, however, is that his actions undermine the Party. When Julia, his girlfriend, tells him that he has done this "Hundreds of times -well, scores of times†, Winston is not upset; instead, he is thrilled because that means there were many others who are â€Å"corrupt to the bones† and were also rebelling against the Party (Orwell 112).

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Two Willy Lomans in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman Essay

The Two Willy Lomans in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman    There are two Willy Lomans in The Death of a Salesman. There is the present broken, exhausted man in his sixties, soon to end his life. And there is the more confident, vigorous Willy of some fifteen years before, who appears in the flashbacks. One actor portrays both, readily shifting from one representation to the other. To some extent, of course, the personality remains constant. The younger Willy, although given to boastful blustering, does admit misgivings to Linda and loneliness to Biff. And the shattered older man, in turn, occasionally reverts to his former manner of jaunty optimism. Yet the changes are great and significant. The earlier Willy could never have been the idol of his teen-aged sons had he behaved in the perverse, distracted fashion of his older self. Willy's agitation during his last days stems from a twofold sense of failure. He has not been able to launch successfully in the world his beloved son Biff, and he no longer can meet the demands of his own selling job. Although not altogether ignoring Linda and Happy, he is primarily concerned about the once magnificent young football star who at thirty-four drifts from one temporary ranch job to the next. Willy cannot "walk away" from Biff'sproblem, as Bernard suggests, nor can he accept Linda's view that "life is a casting off." Being over sixty, Willy is doubtless tiring physically. The sample cases are heavy. The seven-hundred-mile drives are arduous. And many business contacts, developed over the years, are vanishing as the men of his era die or retire. Yet the worry over Biff has obviously accelerated his collapse. Actually, Willy's attitude toward Biff is complex. On the one hand, t... ...ledge. But Happy is still determined to "beat this racket"and come out "number one man." On the day of the big game, Charley ruefully asks Willy when he is going to grow up. In some ways Willy never does. His boyish enthusiasm is, of course, part of his appeal. But his persistent refusal to face facts squarely drives him at last to a violent death. Ironically, his suicide, to him the ultimate in magnificent gestures, merely leaves Linda woefully bereft and Biff more than ever sure that "he had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong." Works Cited Eisinger, Chester E. "Focus on Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman': The Wrong Dreams," in American Dreams, American Nightmares, (1970 rpt In clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1976 vol. 6:331 Gordon, Lois "Death of a Salesman": An Appreciation, in the Forties: 1969) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 26:323   

An Analysis of To His Coy Mistress :: To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell

The poem, To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell brings out some actions that some of us have experienced or even thought about in this concise poem.   This poem is very appealing to the male senses and what some make are like.   Some women could be thought of when this is read. Andrew Marvell puts it in words that make it seem as if it was very acceptable.   The first twenty lines of the poem start to talk about how much this girl means to this perticular man.   The main character in the poem talks about how he will wait forever to be with her.   He mentions that â€Å"We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day.† (st. 3-4)   His views as of now are that he wants to take his time and he doesn’t have go anywhere.   This man certainly wants to plan things out so that it will be perfect.  Ã‚   Another line from the poem that makes him the gentleman that he is portraying to be is â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze. â€Å"(st.13-14)   I think he is saying that we will give praise to her eyes that are so magnificent.   Her eyes are so beautiful, because of which he will praise them for hundred years before they can truly be together.   Later on it mentions that he will praise her breast each for two hundred years.   The mood is set that this man certainly wants to be with this woman.   He is telling her how he feels and wants her to understand that he really wants to be with her.      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the next twelve lines we begin to see a bit of difference in the attitude.   As of now the guy is thinking, well maybe we don’t have enough time to sit around and wait.   The chariot’s of time is pointed out   by saying that it is hurrying near.   Maybe we don’t have enough time anymore.   We should hurry up and get with it.   â€Å"Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault shall sound.†(st. 25-26)   I imagine that he is telling her that if we wait to long then you shall be dead and then we would have never gotten the chance.   He is trying to tell her that they should hurry it up.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Critic Paper †Out of Africa Essay

Out of Africa: The Incredible Human Journey, is an educational movie series hosted by Alice Roberts, a medical doctor and anthropologist, trying to explain the reasons behind evolution and repopulation of humans from our early ancestors by citing existing evidences such as skulls or bones, artifacts and many more in different parts of Africa. The purpose and intention of the film was to discuss that we, as a modern human being, just evolved and originated from Africa. Emphasizing that all people in the world came from Africa. Throughout Robert’s journey in the film, she met lots of people having different views towards this evolution of humans. It started when Dr. Robert crossed a river and arrived in an island somewhere in Africa, and later introduced to the head of the said tribe who entertained her. She was then guided by villagers into the place wherein it is said that it is the place where the early humans lived. Robert observed that there’s no visible roads present on their track, and a little bit curious to how do these villagers reach their destination paths without roads to remember setting as guides for directions. During their walk, Dr. Robert noticed that one of the guiding villagers is carrying a gun, which is for protection purposes they said. Because according to them the other tribes might attack them anytime on their way to the said place. After Dr. Robert’s very tiring and long walk, she finally reached her destination, and finally arrived at the place where according to them where early human remains were found. Robert stated facts and histories about the place, wherein she believed that people live their in thousand years ago. She also discussed and explained to what are the possible explanations to how African ancestors left Africa repopulating throughout the world. Later on, Dr. Robert spend her night in the wild making a safety place for her to sleep all through out. During her stay in the wild, she heard different loud roars of various animals, then later on, in the morning she found out footsteps of lions near her place wherein she spent her night. After her tough night, she and volunteer hunters went out for a hunting trip under the heat of the sun. Not just that, Dr. Robert is constantly checking their body temperatures from time to time which he found out that their body temperature are constantly changing, which shows a sign of survival and may be is the reason for our ancestors to why they managed to pass through the deserts of Africa and repopulate the other parts of the globe. Afterwards, she stated and examined to how our appearance differentiated with our ancestors based on the skulls found in some part of deserts in Africa. Critique: The movie merely focuses on the human origins from Africa and how did evolution involving migration from one place to another occur. The ideas were well presented supported by scientific facts and evidences. Also it is clearly emphasized in the film that the studies were focusing on the discoveries in Africa without the influence of different scientific findings in other parts of the world, independently which segregates the main objective of the movie which is to find out to what really is the truth behind human journey. The film should have presented more evidences or discoveries from other parts of the world outside Africa for a better satisfaction of viewers and to avoid conflicts. However, despite of lack of supporting discoveries to compare with, the ideas and discoveries throughout the film where properly selected and arranged in a way that the viewers will understand and have a broad background from the origination to evolution and finally to migration of these African ancestors of our as they say. Reaction: â€Å"Out of Africa† is an educational and very much helpful movie specially when it comes to the illumination of events and the approximate life in the past. But not just helpful, it also was entertaining and fascinating, one of these reasons is that, its difficult to go to the wild and take the risk just to share the personal experiences waiting their for example. But maybe because Dr. Robert just find it interesting in taking these risks for his contentment for this field. Overall, I liked the movie for the same reason that it has given evidences and images to what really is the life of our ancestors before and how did they repopulate the whole world in a way that involves struggle for survival. Not just like that, the movie also showed some on going struggle for survival such as the tribes in Africa, which might be an existing evidence carried from our ancestors generation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jefferson’s Declaration Of Independence And Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Essay

Two of the intimately reputable and jimmyed leaders of the United States of America, doubting Thomas Jefferson and Abraham capital of Nebraska, are notable for their great speeches and pen works because they not nevertheless instilled patriotism in the American audiences, merely unity, hope, and invoice as well. Examples of these skills are clearly make in Jeffersons solving of freedom and Lincolns Gettysburg Address http// fascinate?v=kMMzY1KJVeo, for each of these documents is a solid, memorable piece in style and diachronic support.Both pieces begin with many alike key incidentors, establishing affinity amongst the verbaliser and his audience on the concrete solid ground of a common background. Jefferson does not sound out I hold these truths or the presidency or dismantle you, the public when author his famous declaration. The first word of The Declaration of Independence is We. We hold these truths to be taken for granted(predicate) creates a bond between Jefferson and the reader. He acknowledges them as an equal before even finishing his sentence. This will not only serve as an illustration for comparability between the American public and himself, but with the entire governing system. In good luck away from Mother Europe, the United States desire to build a country where no one person was placed supra the common man and therefore had a lesser chance of eventual corruption. Jeffersons inclusion of the reader, the common man, symbolizes this unanimous desire.Abraham Lincoln too, unifies his audience with his eloquent streams of words in the Gettysburg Address. He explains to the reader that our fathers were the ones to create a new, liberated soil, and for this reason we are to this day equal in all of our potential endeavors. Obviously, if he states that we all came from the same historic fathers, then we are in that respect not only equal, but margin to each other through a certain kinship. Lincoln furthers this inference when he sets up a personal, communal bygone including the time, participants, and their accomplishments. By recapitulating the goals, history, and accomplishments of our fathers, Lincoln hands the agone on to his audience to create a new, proud future for their nation. A shared history is yet another signalise which helps the reader relate to others, and by freeing on a legacy, they are strained to worktogether in judge and meeting its challenge.The phenomenon of liberty and truth chthonic a new and hopeful nation is blatantly obvious, self-evident in fact, with no further necessary explanation, according to Jefferson and Lincoln. They cherished to install optimism and strengthen the bond between each and every American so that while creating their own history, they would remain unite under one fundamental fact that they were all Americans. For Jefferson and Lincoln, the concept of our country was the creation of an interwoven community, one which would rise p receding(prenominal) all others because they were not just neighbors, they were survivors, compatriots, and most of all, kinsmen.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

Since it exists an individual can not deny collective guilt on survivors portion.Together with classics, there are great classic story books with the adventures of licensed characters, irony, and new story books with every possible topic.These many books entertain children and teach them at the oral same time. Some books include brief history and political science lessons. Other features of these books include dinosaurs and other animals.Maybe a whole range of these know Yiddish.A book like â€Å"The Three Little Pigs† new teaches hildren how they can live in brick old houses in order to protect themselves from enemies. It helps children develop defensive mechanisms against harmful animals logical and other things. Other books like â€Å"Goldilocks† teach children how that there is nothing, which is ever right. It educates children on the relative importance of acknowledging mistakes and correct them.

Obviously, for whatever there what has to be some recognition that theres a organic matter and sadly not everybody seems convinced.Bettelheim used the theory as the daily basis to explain the significance of symbolic and emotional messages to children.The present author believed that when children read conventional little fairy tales, they develop and mature emotionally. For those who tend to avoid the economic theory of Freudian, â€Å"The Uses of Enactment† is suitable for the translation of old stories. Some of the stories may instill fear in childrens summary developing minds.Thats merely a fairy tale if people say! Stories should explain how our existence.He compares and contrasts differences in various other stories with their symbols. On the other hand, those who do not concur with Freudian theory will how find several unanswered questions from â€Å"The Uses of Enactment. Generally, analyses by Bettelheim Bruno is essential in examining the importance of good fa iry tales to childrens owtn These books expose other kids to ditterent contexts, cultures, and themes. They consider also expose children to different character traits.

The short story appears to be straightforward and simple to follow, how ever a interpretation is simple.Old stories can be a late little more detailed and a little longer.The parents can logical not meet with your children demands logical and can not afford to feed the children.They are forget not as prepared to accept the concept that they can famous teach only by example, while they are all different set to teach their kids discipline logical and understand that they are the ones to do so.

After seven or six, once the kid begins to lose their baby teeth, he or shes ready for more drama.Bear in mind, its not vital to have a story every moment.Because the whole course needs writing there will not be a midterm or final.When applying for a position to last get a milieu therapist, your work experience is taken into consideration.