Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Contaminated Land (Environmental Management)
Question: Describe about the Contaminated Land (Environmental Management): Global Warming? Answer: Introduction: In the present society, human beings have achieved many levels of success. From the way of living in the way of travelling everything has been developed to a great level in comparison to the ancient society, and still developing as the level of development has no mark of the end. Information technology sectors, business sectors, medical science, and moreover all the aspects of the society has been increased to higher mark (Merrington, 2002). Even some traditional sectors like agriculture, transportation, and many others has developed in a noticeable mark. Resources are available to us for benefits and utilization, by virtue of that we, the human society have evolved great advantages to an extent. But sometimes we used to hear from our parents and grandparents that the world has changed from the previous one, we should say that yes, the world has changed otherwise we could not lead this improved life as well as modern amenities (Hester and Harrison, 2008). But we have to understand the sense of our parents and grandparents based upon which they are saying that the world has been changed, sometimes they used to say that the color of the fruits was more organic and fresh, there was no such humid and hot weather, the atmosphere were more friendly with the living nature of the human beings as well as the animals and plants, they are not incorrect, as they has saw the scenario of the world of many years ago and the world in present for that reason they can make distinction among these two prospect of the world at large (Wright and Welbourn, 2002). These have done because of environmental pollution to the society of the world at large. Environmental pollution has decreased the standard of life of the human beings, as it reduces the available natural resources. Because of environmental pollution the quality of natural goods like fruits, vegetables, and others has been affected (Hill, 2004). Investigation: Sustainable development: One of the primary reasons for the purpose of environmental pollution is the unrestricted use of natural resources. Use of natural resources to an unlimited level will infringe the future generation from the benefits of utilization of the natural resources (Atkinson, Dietz and Neumayer, 2007). Development is very much essential, but it must be done in a sustainable manner and the natural as well as the artificial resources must be used in such a manner that the future generation would not be deprived of their rights as to get the benefits from the resources which belong to the nature (Bruckmeier and Tovey, 2009). Human society has involved themselves in the field of development in such a manner that they forget the fact that they are destroying their house which is the earth. By any way of development, the credential level of the earth has been reduced to a dangerous level. Environmental pollution is a dangerous factor in diminishing the quality of the social phenomena (Ross, 2012). Development should be done but not with the cost of the environment. The natural resources, as well as the man-made resources, are also to be utilized but keeping in mind that the future generation should not be deprived of the amenities what we are enjoying. From the ancient period human beings were used to run behind the prospects of the further development, they never had to realize that there is any limitation as to the natural resources which are available for human use but in present time it has been noticed that there is some lack of natural resources as well as the man-made resources because most of the portion of the available resources have been used by the previous generations. Now if these available resources are not preserved, then the future generation would not be able to get the benefits from the utilization of those resources (Aras and Crowther, 2009). Global warming: Day by day, season by season the nature of weather is changing with a noticeable speed. Few years ago the temperature was not so hot as it is in present days. If we take into consideration from the period of ancient society of the earth it can be noticed that with the passing of the time the level of hot weather has been increased in a rapid speed, and it is still increasing (Philander, 2008). This is because of global warming. The concept of global warming has been originated by the social phenomena of the present world. The term global warming means the increase of the hot weather throughout the world at large. The main reason for global warming has been recognized as the implantation and causing damage to the plants as well as the forest zone. Due to the lack plantations the weather is changing from normal to hot and humid condition (Houghton, 2004). Apart from a lack of plantations pollution in the society is also a major factor in the increasing rate of the change in weather conditions. Illusion of polluted air and the gases which are very much harmful to the society as well as for the environment itself, like carbon dioxide diluted in the air which comes from the motor vehicles. This is a very important factor in the environmental pollution; carbon dioxide is a very destructive gas for the environment (Victor, 2011). Global warming makes the life difficult for the human beings as well as for the animals; many animals and plant is used die because of this changing nature of the weather which is the result of global warming. It not only affect the life of the living creatures but it also make it hard for the peoples it the developing countries or in developed countries for even survive, as these countries are very much focused in relation to their progress in the global phenomena which makes them unable for the preservation of t he environment to the excellent level of achievement (Simpson, 2008). Acid rains: One of the most dangerous aspects of the environmental pollution is the acid rain. It destroys the forests, animals, as well as the human beings to a large extent. The main and foremost reason of acid rain is the dilution of harmful gases in the air (Labohm, Rozendaal and Thoenes, 2004). Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and many other dangerous gases are frequently diluted in the air, which goes upwards and comes within the sphere of the Ozone layer, which situated outside the earth; this layer protects the earth from various kinds of harmful rays like ultraviolet ray (ALVERSON, 2007). The Ozone layer gets damaged because of the illusion of dangerous gases in the air, when it comes in the sphere of the Ozone layer (Global warming may quintuple summer downpours in the UK, 2014). The harmful gases floats in the air just outside the earth and when rain is supposed to fall on the earth it has to cross that layer of dangerous gases, which converts the natural rain into the acid rain, when this acid rain falls to the surface of the earth it causes huge amount of damage to that surface as well as the environment of the earth itself (Smith and Leiserowitz, 2013). Due to acid rain apart from all other harmful effects the lands and preferable surface for the agricultural sector get diminished as to its quality. It damages the surface to a very large extent; it damages the potential of lands in relation to producing crops and other utilities. Industrialization: One of the major reasons for the environmental pollution is the rapid and unrestricted growth in the field of industrialization. Industries are very much required for the financial development of any economic structure but it does not signify that industries are so important that it could be considered in against the cost of the environment to a huge extent and especially when it affects the life of the human beings (Lange, 2008). The liquid and gas that comes out from the factories in the industrial sector are the main factors to the damage of the environment. These liquid and gases are very much harmful to the human society as well as for the animals and plants. These liquids and gases are diluted in the water sources and air respectively. These leads to many diseases which are quite effective in the human society (Colls, 2002). According to a survey made in the year of 2009, many peoples who reside nearby the industrial area get affected by several harmful diseases and some of the m die too (Pepper, Gerba and Brusseau, 2006). Remediation: The main and foremost thing which is to look after is the use of the natural resources. The available resources of the nature are to be utilized in such a manner that it does not get finished and the future generations are deprived of their right to get the benefits from the utilization of the natural resources. For that purpose, more and more alternative resources are to be invented by countries, which could be used in alteration of the limited natural resources (Jiang, 2003). The concept of sustainable development does not signify that the present generation human society should not use the natural resources but it specifies that the available resources are to be used by the present generation of the human society to an extent that it does not infringe the rights of their future generation. Those resources which are very much limited are to be preserved not only for the future generation but also for an emergency situation which could arise during the continuation of this present g eneration. For example, petroleum related products are used in a good quantity in the present society but as per many surveys and experts, the quantity raw petroleum very is reduced to a huge extent and not very much left in comparison to its demand in the current world society, then if any alternative resource is available then the demand of the petroleum related products may be decreased, like petroleum is mainly used for the purpose of fuel but in recent days a number of eco-friendly gases are invented for the purpose of running vehicles, this will decrease the demand for petroleum to a certain extent. The governments of the concern countries should look after the matters relating to the issues like sustainable development. Global warming is an important issue as to the environmental pollution of the human society as well as the animals and plants. This is the result of diluting dangerous gases in the air, for the purpose of restricting the increasing level of global warming the foremost rem edy is plantation. By the way of an adequate plantation global warming can be controlled, as plants take carbon dioxide from the air and bestow oxygen in the air, which very necessary for human beings to survive. For environmental protection and control of pollution of the environment, plants play a very important role. Plants not only removes dangerous gases like carbon dioxide from the air but it provides oxygen in the air for the living creatures, these thing helps in reducing the air pollution, which makes sustainability for the Ozone layer protecting the surface of earth by situating outside the sphere of earth. If the air pollution can be controlled, then it will help a lot in prospect of controlling acid rains (Shortle and Abler, 2001). For the purpose of resolving the pollution factors in the water, the industrialization should be controlled in the beginning. Because of the industrialization water as well as the air is getting polluted by the substances which are released by the factories into the sources of water and in the air. Specific restrictions should be imposed by the competent authority regarding the release of pollutants from the factories. The lands within the territory of a nation are highly affected due to the environmental degradation; it harms the agriculture sector of the concerned country as well as the cattle. Land is the most important sector of every country as to financial development; it not only engraves the agricultural sector but also plays an important role in the field of industrialization. Land contamination can be controlled by proper means of precautions like using natural fertilizers, making the land area of the agricultural sector for multipurpose use as to the farmer's utilization in relation to the agricultural purpose. For the purpose of restricting environmental pollution, the governments of the concern countries should adopt necessary laws in relation to the environment of the country. The legislative authorities have to take the initiation for the purpose of making adequate legislation in respect of protecting the environment from the substances which are harmful to the society (Zhao, 2013). Only enactment of the statutes relating to the environment is not enough, before such enactment the legislative bodies must recognize the major pollution problem as to the environment, as it differs from area to area as per the population and their location. The enactment itself is not conclusive and sufficient into restricting the environmental pollution, but these laws are to be properly implemented by the competent authorities of the nation in concern. Each and every country should show their interest as to the protection of the environment from various pollutants, as these is a global prospect of the world at large with considering the interest of each country. The concern government should enact different statutes for restricting the pollution from the different aspects, like for water pollution, air pollution, and restriction as to cutting the trees and others, for each of these aspects there should be a specific statute. Apart from that the government should promote the approach of environmental protection among the populace of the nation, this is the most effective way of controlling the environmental pollution and any other kind of pollution, if the public is aware of the facts that by way of pollution they are polluting their house, that is earth, and this pollutant not only affect themselves but it also affect their future generation then the public will understand the significance of this major matter of concern. Various international summits and international conventions has been held regarding the burning issue of pollution, several countries, including the developing countries and underdeveloped countries were encouraged in respect of the consequences of pollution as well as the ways in restricting the pollutants. Most of the countries of the world have initiated to put themselves under one roof to deal with the problem of various kinds of pollutions. The developed countries like United Kingdom, United States of America, Russia and others has developed their countries in this aspect as well, these countries have already taken measures in controlling pollutions of various kinds in nature and they get success at a very good rate which very much appreciable for the rest of the world, as it is made for the interest of the world at large. Application of technology is very useful in controlling pollution from all aspect. But above all if the general public of the concerned country is aware of the consequences regarding the pollution then that would be the most effective way of controlling pollution in a rapid speed with a good expectation of achievements. United Kingdom is very much free from pollution in comparison to the other countries, especially from the third world countries, this has been possible for the awareness of the people in this region as well as the proper execution of the laws enacted by the legislative body and adequate supervision on the part of the judicial system of the countries as to the factors relating to pollution (Bassett, 2007). Validation: The validation of the remedies above discussed is mostly depended upon the approach of the country as well as the approach of the government of the concerned country. Remedies discussed are not impossible, even they are very much effective if they are implemented in a proper way by the competent authorities. If the government makes appropriate statutory provisions for the concern issues, then it will not only remove those elements which are harmful to the society but it also promotes the society to a good and clean lifestyle. The government is the main authority in relation to preventing the factors relating to the pollution. The kinds of remediation, what we have discussed above is very much capable of execution by the competent authorities of the concerned country (Ebbesson and Okowa, 2009). If the government makes appropriate regulations in relation to the activities of the industrial sectors, then it will be very much helpful regarding the control of pollution. Restrictions as to the release of dangerous substances are quite risky for the human society as well as the other living creatures. Industrialization is required but not against the cost of the life of the living creatures. Above all, if the concerned government could make the feeling of awareness among the peoples then that will be the most beneficiary thing for getting success in controlling the pollution. Peoples of the society are the main and foremost weapon to deal with the pollution by implementing adequate laws as per the necessity. The awareness must be inaugurated among the peoples of the society. If all the countries respectively follow the rules and regulations established by various international conventions and treaties then it will be very much convenient for the peoples in general as well as for the government itself in relation to control the factors leading to the pollution. The concerned government has to make strict statutes and have to make adequate bodies for its proper execution. Government is very much responsible for the purpose of controlling the pollution factors. The concept of sustainable development must be adopted by all the states in general, especially the developed countries like UK and USA, these countries are quite developed in every field but they should concentrate on the preservation of resources for the future aspects as they can continue the endeavor of development in the future as well. Conclusion: After the above discussion, it can be said that pollution of the society and development is quite interrelated as to each other. For the purpose of development, resources are required which may cause a shortfall of resources in the coming future. But it does not signify that resources are not to be used for the present generation, rather it suggests that resources should be utilized in such a manner that the future generation would not get deprived. Pollution is a big menace to the society at large and it has to be controlled by the members of the society with their initiation through concern government plays a very important role in relation to control the level of pollution but if the public is not aware of the consequences of the pollution and they are not willing to take their responsibilities then it would be very much difficult for the government of the country to execute their legislations as to control the pollution. The government of the country should initiate those process es by which development to the higher level shall not make the environment pollution of any kind and the level of pollution can be granted by the world health organization which should not be crossed, which have to look after by the competent authorities of the nation as to their level best References: ALVERSON, K. (2007). Global Warming. Understanding the Forecast BY DAVID ARCHER vii + 194 pp., 24.5 17 1 cm, ISBN 978 1 4051 4039 3 paperback, GB 24.99, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006.Envir. Conserv., 34(02), p.173. Aras, G. and Crowther, D. (2009).The durable corporation. Farnham, UK: Gower. Atkinson, G., Dietz, S. and Neumayer, E. (2007).Handbook of sustainable development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Bassett, W. (2007).Environmental Health Procedures 7th Edition. Hoboken: Taylor Francis. Bruckmeier, K. and Tovey, H. (2009).Rural sustainable development in the knowledge society. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. Colls, J. 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